Sliver Legion: Very Powerful if you have the Mana
This is an excellent card for your Sliver deck if you can somehow manage to scrimp up 1 mana from each of the 5 different colors! Having a Pulse of Llanowar is one way to accomplish that if Green is one of the dominant colors in your deck. Sliver Legion give each of your Slivers +1/+1 for each other Sliver in play, and combine that with an Overrun, it’s pretty much game over for your opponent!
Watch Sliver Legion in Action
Keep in mind this guy’s a Legend so don’t make the mistake I did and try to bring out a 2nd one. If you have more than 1, keep the other one as a replacement in case your first Sliver Legion dies.
Final Thoughts
This is a very powerful creature to include in any Sliver deck but I won’t rely on it solely to win your games. It may be easier to put together all 5 different colors of mana to cast it later in the game so I’d only count on it to give you the extra push you need at the end to win. For more info, please come to by clicking the button below!