Blaze of Glory MTG White Instant
The Blaze of Glory MTG card is an Instant which forces a single creature to simultaneously block all attacking creatures it can legally block. This card has a few different uses depending on whether you’re using it as an attacker or defender. It kinda works like Lure in reverse.
Example use when attacking
Let’s say you have 7 1/1 creatures and your opponent has one 7/7 creature. He keeps his 7/7 around to defend instead of attacking with it. By attacking with all 7 creatures and casting Blaze of Glory on your opponent’s 7/7, you can force it fight with your 7 1/1 creatures,
Example use when defending
Suppose your opponent is launching a massive attack with several different creatures. Rather than die from taking all that damage or get a bunch of your defending creatures killed, you can pick a single weak creature to block all of your opponent’s creatures by casting Blaze of Glory on it. Had your opponent expected to win the game or kill you off that turn, this leaves him/her exposed to a retaliating attack since most of his/her defending creatures will remain tapped the next turn.
Watch the Blaze of Glory MTG card in play
In this video, I’ll demonstrate how to use Blaze of Glory to force your opponent to use one of his creatures of your choice to block all of your attackers.
My Thoughts
This spell can be a life saver later in the game especially if you or your opponent both have a lot of creatures in play and are in a standoff. To learn more about the Blaze of Glory MTG card, please follow the button below to