Whisperwood Elemental: Master of the Face Down Creatures
Whisperwood Elemental is a 4/4 Green Creature that will require you to manifest the top card of your library at the end of your turn. Whenever you sacrifice Whisperwood Elemental, you will manifest a card from the top of your library for every creature that dies until the end of your turn.
How does Manifest Work?
Manifest is a keyword action first introduced in the Fate Reforged expansion released in 2015. What you do is take the top card of your library and place it face down onto the battlefield as a 2/2 creature. However, if that face down card is a creature, you can simply pay its casting cost to turn it back up again. If it’s not a creature, then it cannot be turned up and will remain a 2/2 face down creature until it dies.
Watch Whisperwood Elemental in Action
My Final Thoughts
This card is ideal if a large % of your deck is creatures since you’ll be wasting your non-creature cards by manifesting them as 2/2 facedown creatures. It also works great if you have Deathmist Raptors in your deck which can be brought back to life whenever a creature is morphed face up. Since you’ll be burning through your library at an alarming rate and 2/2 creatures usually don’t last very long in combat, you might want to reconsider playing Whisperwood Elemental and/or swap it out for something from your sideboard if your opponent uses any of the following his/her deck:
Any of those above cards combined with the Whisperwood could cause you to run out of cards and lose the game that way. On the other hand, you may want to include some Den Protectors in case some of your key non-creatures get Manifested so you can recover them and possibly a Feldon’s Cane to reshuffle your graveyard back into your library.
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