Deathmist Raptor: If those fangs won’t kill ya, then the poison will!
Deathmist Raptor is a Green Creature with Deathtouch which kills any creature that it does damage to. In addition, whenever a card is flipped from face down to face up, you can return a Deathmist from your graveyard to your battlefield (either face down or face up.) It packs quite a bit of a punch for only a casting cost of 3. You can megamorph your Deathmist Raptor from face down to face up with an additional +1/+1 but for 4 colorless and 1 green mana which is a bit high but still convenient if you don’t have any other face down cards to turn up. With 2 or more of these Raptors in your deck, you’ll be able to use the Deathtouch to kill off your enemy’s creatures without caring whether your raptor dies since they can revive each other from the graveyard.
Watch Deathmist Raptor in Action
My Final Thoughts
This is an excellent green creature for its casting cost even if you don’t intend to take full advantage of its Deathtouch and revival capabilities. For maximum damage, add some Lures to your deck to use on these raptors AND include some Den Protectors to recover the Lures when your raptors get killed! To learn more about Deathmist Raptor, please follow through to via the button below!