Arid Mesa: Gimme a Plains or Mountain, Plz!
When you’re playing a Red and White deck, you may not always have the right type mana on hand to cast the spells you’re able to play. For example, having only Mountains and a bunch of White spells or only Plains and a bunch of Red spells. In that case, the Arid Mesa will come in handy: being able to search for your choice of either a Mountain or a Plains and putting it directly into play is quite convenient, even at the cost of 1 life and the mesa itself. (Ideally, you’d want to search your library for a Plateau but if that dual land is legal in your particular format.)
Watch the Arid Mesa in Action
I have Steppe Lynx in play which gains +2/+2 until end of turn every time a land enters your control. By playing Arid Mesa (which counts as a land) and then sacrificing it to bring another land into play, I’ve effectively played 2 lands in the same turn, transforming it from 0/1 to 4/5.
My final thoughts
Arid mesa will help minimize your chances of being mana screwed when you’re playing a Red and White deck. If you have a ton of multicolored spells that require both red and white mana, you might be better off with Dual Lands. But they’re mostly single colored, then this land will be a life saver early in the game even in spite of paying 1 life to search for either a Mountain or Plain. To learn more about this card, please come to by following the button below: