AEther Vial: The Latest MTG Creature Summoning Technology
AEther Vial lets you put a creature with a mana cost equal to the # of charge counter on it directly into play simply by tapping the artifact. Every turn, you can choose to add a counter to the Vial. In most cases, it’s not gonna allow you to cast, say a creature with a casting cost of 5, before your 5th turn. However, it’s still a very convenient way to cast creature spells without spending any mana, especially if you want to bring 2 of them out in a single turn.
If you’re trying to cast a creature that requires all 5 mana types like the Sliver Legion, then this card is definitely a godsend!
Watch the AEther Vial in Action!
I have this deck where the vast majority of creatures have a casting cost of 4 so I decided to throw some AEther Vials in and get 4 counters on the vial to easily summon my creatures in this game:
Final Thoughts
If your deck has a bunch of creatures that cost between 3-5 mana to cast and few/no low casting cost creatures, then the AEther Vial will come in handy. As for creatures with a higher mana cost, you could certainly use it to bring them out, but by the time you have the counters to cast them, you’d be dead. And as for cheaper creatures, it’s probably not that useful especially later in the game.
If AEther Vial is a good fit for your deck, then please check it out on by following the button below!