Old Man of the Sea MTG Card: Controller of Creatures
The Old Man of the Sea MTG card is a 2/3 Blue creature that costs only 3 blue mana. That alone makes for one powerful creature but it’s also got the ability to gain control of any creature with a power less than or equal to that of the Old Man. By default, it has a power of 2 so you can control some of the weaker creatures (although if you increase it using Enchantments or other effects, your opponent’s more powerful creatures are not out of reach either.)
Watch the Old Man of the Sea MTG Card in Action
My Thoughts
Even if you don’t plan on gaining control of your opponent’s creatures, this is still a solid card to have in your blue deck (although it’s designed more for Control Decks.) The ability to gain control of your opponent’s creatures is merely a bonus. To learn more about this card, please follow through to Amazon.com by clicking the button below!