Zodiac Dragon MTG from Portal Three Kingdoms
This 8/8 dragon will refuse to stay in your graveyard – as soon as it’s killed off, it’ll be returned to your hand. Got killed by enemy creatures? No problem! Got hit with Terror? No problem!
You might notice that this dragon is one of the few that does NOT have flying and it’s not a misprint. But the loss of the ability to fly isn’t gonna impact your bottom line that much, on average, since it’ll just keep coming back once it gets killed. The only way your opponent will be able to get rid of Zodiac Dragon once and for all is to exile it from the game, using, say a Disintegrate or Swords to Plowshares.
Watch the Zodiac Dragon MTG Card in Action
The Verdict
This Dragon costs quite a bit to cast each time but it’ll be a royal pain to deal with it reincarnating, especially if your opponent plays black. To learn more, please follow the button below to be taken to Amazon.com