Glimpse the Unthinkable – Rare MTG Cards
Glimpse the Unthinkable will do the unthinkable to your enemy’s library: send the top 10 cards to his/her graveyard! Trimming the top 10 cards off of your opponent’s graveyard probably sounds a lot worse than it really is especially if the games you play tend to last 10 rounds or less. But if you throw 4 of these in your deck along with Traumatize and/or Haunting Echos, you can do some serious damage. If you have a Traumatize and 3 of these in your hand, your opponent will not last very long assuming he has 60 or less cards left in his library: reduce his library down to 30 cards using Traumatize then use the three Glimpse the Unthinkable cards to whittle his library down to 0.
Watch Glimpse the Unthinkable in Action
Example Combo
Jace’s Phantasm is a 1/1 Flying Creature that costs only 1 Blue Mana. But if your opponent has 10+ cards in his/her graveyard, Jace’s Phantasm becomes 5/5. With the help of Glimpse the Unthinkable, you can get a 5/5 flyer very early in the game this way and dominate your opponent.
Final Thoughts
If you have a Defense-oriented Black and Blue deck, you might want to have some of these on your Sideboard. If you’re playing a match against another Defense-oriented deck, then this will come in handy in reducing your opponent’s card count. Throw in a Traumatize or two and you’ll have a much better shot at outlasting your opponent. If this fits your play style, then I recommend checking out Glimpse the Unthinkable on by following the button below!